Last Updated: 20 January, 2025 5 Mins Read
Hey, In this article we are going to learn all about Singly Linked List in detail and their structure, which allows for each node to point to the next node of the list. Further we will see its operations, complexity, implementation, advantages, disadvantages and more.
A Singly Linked List is a linear (ordered) data structure that contains a collection of elements, and each element is connected to its next element in a sequence.
Each element in a singly linked list is called a Node. The node consists of two fields: a data field and the reference field (address of the next node).
There is a HEAD pointer, which points to the first node of the singly linked list, and if the list is empty, then it stores NULL and the last node is called the Tail, and it stores NULL in the reference field (next).
A singly linked list can traverse only in the forward direction because each node contains the address of the next node.
There are the following operations that can be performed on the singly linked list.
A new node can be added at the following positions of the singly linked list.
An existing node can be deleted at the following positions of the singly linked list.
Traversal can be performed in only farward direction. Start traversing from the head and move through each node using the next pointers till the last node of the singly linked list.
We can search a specific node in the singly linked list.
Singly Linked List elements: 10 20 30 40 50
In the above example, the Node class represents a single element of the linked list, and the SinglyLinkedList class is used to create a linked list, insert a node in the list, and display the elements of the linked list.
Dynamic data structure
No memory wastage
Easy Implementation
Insertion and Deletion Operations
Efficient for large data
A linked list is a very popular and flexible data structure, but it has some certain disadvantages as well. Some of the key disadvantages of linked lists are:
Random access is inefficient
Additional memory required for pointers
Potential for memory fragmentation
Potential for Memory Leaks
That's all, guys. I hope this article is helpful for you.
Happy Learning... 😀