Last Updated: 05 July, 2023
In this tutorial, we will discuss Java keywords. Java has a rich set of keywords, and each keyword has its own individual function and performs a specific task assigned to it.
In Java, Keywords are also known as Reserved Words. As these words are reserved and perform predefined tasks, Java does not allow the use of these reserved words (keywords) as identifier names (variables, methods, classes, interfaces, etc.).
We will get a compile-time error if we use these reserved words (keywords) as identifier names, as given in the below example.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: String cannot be resolved to a variable Syntax error on token "while", delete this token Syntax error on token "catch", invalid VariableDeclaratorId at com.javabytechie.keyword.Example.main(
To avoid such kind of error, it is essential to know all the keywords in Java.
Let's have a look at the list of Java keywords or reserved words given in the below table:
S.No. | Keyword | Purpose of Use |
1. | abstract | Used for classes and methods: If we declare a class with the abstract keyword, then that class is known as an abstract class, and we cannot create objects of that class. If we declare a method with the abstract keyword, then that method is known as an abstract method. An abstract method does not have a body; its body will be written in the subclass. |
2. | assert | Assert describes a predicate placed in a Java program to indicate that the developer thinks that the predicate is always true at that place. |
3. | boolean | It is a data type that can hold either a True or False value. |
4. | break | It is used to break a loop or switch statement. It breaks the current flow of the program at specified conditions. |
5. | byte | It is a data type that can hold 8-bit data values. |
6. | case | Used in switch statements to mark blocks of text. |
7. | catch | Catches exceptions generated by try statements. It must be used after the try block. |
8. | char | A data type that can hold unsigned 16-bit Unicode characters. |
9. | class | Used to declare a Java class. |
10. | continue | Sends control back outside a loop. It continues the current flow of the program and skips the remaining line of code at the specified condition. |
11. | default | Specifies the default block of code in a switch statement. |
12. | do | Starts a do-while loop. |
13. | double | A data type that can hold 64-bit floating-point numbers. |
14. | else | Indicates alternative branches in an if statement. |
15. | enum | A Java keyword is used to declare an enumerated type. Enumerations extend the base class. |
16. | extends | Indicates that a class is derived from another class or interface. |
17. | final | Indicates that a variable holds a constant value or that a method will not be overridden. |
18. | finally | Indicates a block of code in a try-catch structure that will always be executed. |
19. | float | A data type that holds a 32-bit floating-point number. |
20. | for | Used to start a for loop. |
21. | if | Tests a true or false expression and branches accordingly. |
22. | implements | Specifies that a class implements an interface. |
23. | import | References other classes. |
24. | instanceof | Indicates whether an object is an instance of a specific class or implements an interface. |
25. | int | A data type that can hold a 32-bit signed integer. |
26. | interface | Declares an interface. |
27. | long | A data type that holds a 64-bit integer. |
28. | native | Specifies that a method is implemented with native (platform-specific) code. |
29. | new | Creates new objects. |
30. | null | This indicates that a reference does not refer to anything. |
31. | package | Declares a Java package. |
32. | private | It is an access modifier used to restrict methods and variables of a class access outside. |
33. | protected | An access specifier indicating that a method or variable may only be accessed in the class it’s declared in (or a subclass of the class it’s declared in, or other classes in the same package). |
34. | public | An access specifier is used for classes, interfaces, methods, and variables to indicate that an item is accessible throughout the application (or where the class that defines it is accessible). |
35. | return | Sends control and possibly a return value back from a called method. |
36. | short | A data type that can hold a 16-bit integer. |
37 | static | Indicates that a variable or method is a class method (rather than being limited to one particular object). |
38. | strictfp | A Java keyword is used to restrict the precision and rounding of floating-point calculations to ensure portability. |
39. | super | Refers to a class’s base class (used in a method or class constructor). |
40. | switch | A statement that executes code based on a test value. |
41. | synchronized | Specifies critical sections or methods in multithreaded code. |
42. | this | Refers to the current object in a method or constructor. |
43. | throw | Creates an exception. |
44. | throws | Indicates what exceptions may be thrown by a method. |
45. | transient | Specifies that a variable is not part of an object’s persistent state |
46. | try | Starts a block of code that will be tested for exceptions. |
47. | void | Specifies that a method does not have a return value. |
48. | volatile | This indicates that a variable may change asynchronously. |
49. | while | Starts a while loop. |
📝 In Java, true, false, and null are not keywords; they are literals and reserved words that cannot be used as identifiers in a program.
That's all guys, hope this Java article is helpful for you.
Happy Learning... 😀