Last Updated: 11 March, 2023
A thread pool is a group of worker threads that are pre-initialized and ready to execute tasks. When a new task is submitted to the thread pool, a worker thread is assigned to execute it. Once the task is completed, the worker thread is returned to the pool to await the next task. This can help reduce the overhead of thread creation and management, and allow for more efficient use of system resources.
In Java, the java.util.concurrent package provides a built-in thread pool implementation through the Executor framework. The Executor interface represents an object that executes tasks in the background, and the ExecutorService interface extends Executor to provide additional methods for managing the lifecycle of the thread pool.
To create a thread pool in Java, we can use one of the factory methods provided by the Executors class, such as newFixedThreadPool (int nThreads) to create a fixed-size thread pool with a specific number of threads, or newCachedThreadPool() to create a thread pool that can dynamically adjust its size based on the workload.
Here's an example of how to use a thread pool to execute multiple tasks concurrently:
In this example, we create a fixed-size thread pool with 4 threads using newFixedThreadPool(4). We then submit 10 tasks to the thread pool using the execute() method, which takes a Runnable object representing the code to execute in a worker thread. Finally, we shut down the thread pool using the shutdown() method to release its resources.
That's all guys, hope this Java article is helpful for you.
Happy Learning.